Procurement at the SCI covers a variety of activities for the following departments:
Purchase & Services
Purchase: Supply of bunkers, stores and spares, provisions, office stationery, etc.
Services: Appointment of agents, co-ordination for agency work, stevedoring, etc.
Insurance: Arranging for insurance cover and settlement of claims for:
a. Hull & Machinery Insurance
b. Protection and Indemnity (P&I) Club (Cargo, Pollution, General – Group Insurance, etc.)
Information Technology
Computer Hardware: servers, desktops, laptops, printers,
Computer Software
Technical departments of Operating Divisions undertake the following procurement
New marine equipment for vesselsSpares (handled by spare cell)Dry dock services
Survey services
Personnel & Administration Division
Recruitment agenciesPrinting of newsletters, magazines, etc.Office equipment and stationeryCivil & Engineering services including Maintenance of propertiesElectrical requirementsGeneral
services like horticulture, cleaning, pantry requirements, uniforms.